1. Comment with the number of your top three fics. (i.e. 3, 6, 9) 2. Don’t vote for your own! 3. Comments are screened. 4. Voting is open until tomorrow, 9 pm EST.
He was interrupted mid-rant by the blonde jerking him down a few inches by his tie. The Doctor was taken aback by the pair very angry eyes glaring into his own. He was quite certain he wasn’t the first to be on the receiving end of this look., 1,784
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Love. Hope. Time. Magic., Ten2/Rose, PG, The universe fills her dance card, but every dance appears to be for him alone. He's too selfish to want to change that. (400 words)
Strange way of the Universe PG Rose/Eleven A/N: Stayed up till three to write this, I hope you guys like it. If I get a comment and don't reply I'm so sorry I don't have internet acess :( Please enjoy, I really tried hard on this one.
The Suitcase, Nine/Rose, pg. Fic hidden in narrative poetry. I don't even know where this came from. He offers her his umbrella. “Would you mind?” As if he's asking her if it's okay if they share it., 450 words. ( ... )
The Earth That Shifts Where Flowers Grow, Ten/Rose, completely AU. Adult. 2,380 words. The glitter wafting from her hair sounds like bells, little tiny tinks beaten out into the air. She shivers and a rush of sparks flies off her, her tawny strands drift skyward. She's in my bed, but floats as if in water. Cries out while I work my fingers into her
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